5 reasons season in Southwest Florida can be difficult

Taylor Crehan

Season, the time of year when part-time residents come to Southwest Florida, can be hectic. Highways are packed, parking lots are full and it gets significantly harder to find everything you need at the grocery store. Here are five reasons why the busiest part of the year sometimes just isn't fun:


1. It’s hard on retail and service workers

Season in Southwest Florida makes it tough for our retail and service staff.

From the long hours worked on Black Friday, to significantly less time spent with loved ones close to the holidays, retail and service workers have it much harder in Southwest Florida during season.


2. Traffic is more congested

Already busy roads like this one, Fifth Avenue, are even more crowded during season in Southwest Florida.

Hundreds of thousands of seasonal residents flock to Florida every year, causing an increase in traffic across the state, and Southwest Florida isn’t exempt. Interstate 75, as well as already-busy roads such as U.S. 41, see more traffic during season, which can be a major inconvenience and make getting to work take much longer.


3. Restaurants are busier

Season in Southwest Florida brings busy restaurants. Wait times get longer and outdoor seating areas get crowded.

Longer wait times and crowded outdoor seating are a package deal when it comes to restaurants during season in Southwest Florida. It becomes increasingly harder to go out to eat when so many others have the same idea.

Read some of our recent dining reviews:


4. Parking is more challenging

Parking gets extremely more difficult during season in Southwest Florida. Spots are filled everywhere you go.

Running errands in Southwest Florida becomes harder during season. It’s difficult to find a parking spot almost anywhere you go, because chances are, there are five other people fighting for the same spot you have your eye on.


5. Grocery store lines are crowded

Both residents and seasonal residents of Southwest Florida experience crowds in grocery stores during season.

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, which means that people will be rushing to their nearest grocery store to purchase ingredients for the big feast. During season in Southwest Florida, a quick jaunt to the store is impossible as you encounter crowded aisles and long lines.

Disagree? Look for our segment where we look at the upside of season coming tomorrow!