Letter: Seventh birthday

Letter to the Editor

Sue Bookbinder, Naples

Seventh birthday

What a difference a year makes.

The Lighthouse of Collier (LOC) is celebrating its 7th birthday next month. So what's new, you ask? Lots.

First, LOC is proud to say that through aggressive and continuous outreach efforts, LOC increased enrollment in its amazing Summer Camp for Blind and Visually Impaired children by 25 percent. In addition, LOC now provides a Blind Babies program for infants to 3 years of age. As with all its offerings, the program is run by a certified LOC employee.

This year's expanded LOC core curriculum focuses on providing its visually impaired clients with those compensatory skills needed, such as communication modes, orientation and mobility, social interaction skills, independent living skills, career readiness and the use of assistive technology.

LOC also has begun a monthly Lunch and Learn program, for its clients and caregivers, where experts on community issues join the group to share relevant information and answer questions from the attendees. It also offers a caregiver workshop, where those who are living with someone who is blind or visually impaired comes to share their issues and concerns, learn from each other and be guided by a trained and certified LOC employee.

My spouse is totally blind and I attended thinking I could 'teach others' ... but instead, find I am learning from the other group members all the time as well.

All of LOC's services are free to the clients but, as I see on a regular basis, are invaluable to them as well. For many, it can mean the difference between social isolation and living a satisfying and fulfilling life. Happy birthday LOC and, from those many people who have benefited from your being here, many many more!